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How do I create an account / contact / lead using Business Card Scanner?

How to use Salestrail Business Card Scanner for Salesforce

Yvonne Pulkkinen avatar
Written by Yvonne Pulkkinen
Updated over a week ago

Salestrail app offers a built-in business card scanner, that integrates easily with your sales process. Here's a quick guide on how to use Salestrail business card scanner for Salesforce.

Step 1: Click on the Plus button to access the scanner

Step 2: Choose the contact level you want to create in Salesforce: 

  • Add new lead 

  • Add new contact 

  • Add new account 

Step 3: Choose Business Card Scanner by tapping on the Camera symbol at the bottom.

The Business Card Scanner automatically fills in the fields with the information it picks up from the business card. 

Note: If you want to add a document or the back of the business card, you can do so by using Attachments function. This attachment will stay under Notes and Attachments in Salesforce.

After all fields have been completed, hit Submit.

The data will be captured immediately in Salesforce as lead, contact or account. The business card photo is kept under Notes and Attachments on Salesforce.

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