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Salestrail User Guide

User Guide

Yvonne Pulkkinen avatar
Written by Yvonne Pulkkinen
Updated over a week ago

1. What is Salestrail?

Salestrail is a mobile call tracking solution designed primarily for sales teams to track and record their phone call activities. Salestrail focuses on logging SIM/GSM calls and WhatsApp, as well as WhatsApp Business calls made through mobile phones.

The solution consists of two parts, a call analytics dashboard to visualize call performance data and a mobile app that tracks the calls. The call data can be integrated with our CRM using the ready-made integrations for Salesforce, HubSpot, and Leadsquared or by using Push/Pull API.

Key features of the Salestrail call analytics dashboard include:

  • Cloud-based dashboard: Allows centralised tracking of sales calls and activities.

  • CRM integration: Integrates with popular CRMs to push call data directly into the system.

  • Customisable reports: Provides detailed analytics and performance reports.

Key features of the Salestrail call monitoring app include

  • SIM/GSM call tracking: Monitor mobile phone calls automatically.

  • WhatsApp call tracking: Monitor WhatsApp calls automatically (Android only).

  • Call recording for SIM and WhatsApp calls (Android only)

2. The Call Analytics Dashboard

The call analytics dashboard’s main functionality is to give users insight into call performance. The dashboard allows users to access all the tracked calls as well as visualize call performance data.

The call analytics dashboard is also the place where the main user would create the company’s Salestrail account, manage users, create teams, purchase the subscription and put on a possible integration. Click here

Every user, regardless of their user role, can log into the call analytics dashboard to access their own call data.

You can sign up on this link:

You can log in on this link:

Signing up on the Call Analytics Dashboard

Anyone who either monitors someone’s calls or whose calls are being monitored needs to sign up on the call analytics dashboard. Every user will have access to the Salestrail call analytics dashboard, regardless of what their role is. The call analytics dashboard looks the same for all users, but there are certain parts that are restricted, based on which role you have been given; Owner, Manager or User.

The onboarding looks different based on whether you are the first person from your organization or whether you have been invited by someone else who has already created the Salestrail organization for your company. This guide will now showcase the two different options for signing up on the Salestrail call analytics dashboard.

The first user from an organization

If you are tracking your salespeople's calls, you need to start out by creating your organization. These are the steps you will go through when creating your account.

  1. Sign up using your company email address. You will get a verification code to this email address so it needs to be a real email address that you can access.

  2. Input the 6 digit code that you received to your email.

3. Name your company and give the other details. The company name as well as your name will be visible in the portal, so use your actual organization name as well as your real name. Do not use generic names like Office, or Company.

4. Choose whether to integrate Salestrail with your CRM so that all the calls will be logged under the right lead, contact or account. If you do not use any of the listed CRMs or prefer to do this step later, you can click on “skip”.

5. The last step is to invite your sales team to use Salestrail. You can do this by adding them in user management. Everyone that you have invited will receive an email to join your organization and team.

You can also invite users by giving them your organization’s sign up link, which can be found on the bottom left of the call analytics dashboard. Anyone who signs up using your organization’s sign up link will appear in your Salestrail organization and you will be able to follow their call data.

Note: Do not ask the people whose calls you intend to track to sign up by going to the Salestrail website or by signing up on the generic Signup link as they will then end up creating their own organization and you will not be able to see their calls. The users whose call data you wish to track need to sign up using your organization’s sign-up link or by using the same email address that you have used when you invited them to join.

An Invited User

There are two ways someone can invite you to join their organization: by email or by the organization's sign-up link. Depending on the method, here are the steps you need to follow to join their organization:

# If you are invited by email:

When an organization's owner invites you to join their organization by email, you will receive the invitation to join Salestrail to your email inbox. Sometimes the invitation might end up in your spam folder, so please make sure to check it as well. If you have received an email please click on the Join button.

You will then be directed to the sign-up page where you need to input your email address (make sure it's the one that was invited) and complete the process.

If you do not receive the email (but are sure you have been invited) you can still sign up on this link:

As long as you use the same email address as the one your colleague has used when inviting you, you will be added to the right organization.

# If you are Invited by the Organization's Sign-up Link:

When the organization's owner shares the sign-up link with you, you only need to click on it and then log in using a valid email account. Please give Salestrail your full name when signing up, as this name will be visible to your colleagues.

Understanding the Call Analytics Dashboard

All users have access to the call analytics dashboard, but the information they can view is determined by their assigned Salestrail role.

You can access the call analytics dashboard on this link:

This section will explain the main features of the call analytics dashboard.

The Sidebar Menu

Analytics: This gives you an overview of the organization's call data and an option to add more personalized views. By clicking on + Add view, you are able to create your own views, containing the data you are interested in.

Calls: Shows you all calls that have been tracked by Salestrail from selected users.

Recordings: Shows you all the recorded calls from selected users. Click on a call to listen to it or to download the recording.

Team Management: Here you can group users into different teams. You can give access to a user to see the data of specific teams and team members.

User Management: Provides you with the list of users and their status and here owners and managers can add and delete users. If you want to reduce the amount of licenses that you are paying for, please reach out to

Subscription: Here, you can purchase licenses and view all invoices and details related to your organization’s subscription.

Note: During the trial period, this section is accessible to all users. However, once a paid license is active, only the individual who made the payment has access to this area.

Integrations: Here you can enable the Salestrail integration with selected CRMs and monitor the integration logs.

API Docs: Our API to pull data from the cloud and import it to a CRM.

Referral Program: Refer Salestrail to your friends and receive our gifts.

Settings: Control a few settings for your Org.

The Overview

The Overview gives you a quick view on call performance data. You can choose which date range you want to take a look at as well as select which sales representatives data you are viewing.

Here is a quick explanation of the graphs and charts you see on the Overview:

  • Export as csv: export the call data to your computer as a .csv file

  • Calls: the total amount of calls that you've made or received

  • Outbound calls: calls that you make

  • Inbound calls: calls that you receive

  • Unique calls: calls excluding repetition of numbers

  • Avg. Duration per Answered Call: average talk time

  • Ranking: your position compared to other team members based on your number of calls.

  • Most active hour by calls: a graph showing at what hourmost calls take place

  • Outbound call connection rate: the number of calls you make that are answered vs unanswered.

  • Add view: Choose what data to show

We give all users of Salestrail the possibility to create their own views, where they can add the graphs and charts that they find most valuable. While the Analytics – Overview page is the same for everyone in your own views you choose what you want to see.

When creating a new View, you first start out by naming the view. If you later want to change the name, you can do so, by clicking on the little pen icon, next to the name of the view. The next step is to click on Add Widget and choose the Widget that you want to use for visualizing your data.

The Share view button allows you to share a view with your colleagues.

Below is a list of the different widgets that you can choose with and a few suggestions on how you can use them:

  • Table: Amount of calls made, time spent on the phone, Unique leads called.

  • Leaderboard: Top performers in terms of amount and duration.

  • Number box: Aggregated amount of calls made, duration, Unique leads called, First and last call per day.

  • Vertical Barchart: Answered / Unanswered calls per day of the week.

  • Horizontal Barchart: Best times to call, when we have highest amount of answered calls.

  • Vertical Grouped Barchart: Comparing performance between sales reps, days, weeks.

  • Vertical Stacked Bar Chart: Comparing performance between sales reps, days, weeks.

  • Horizontal Grouped Barchart: Best times to call, comparisons

  • Horizontal Stacked bar chart: Best times to call, comparisons.


The Calls section in the analytics dashboard will show you all the calls that have been tracked from the mobile devices to the call analytics dashboard.

Which calls show up here will depend on the settings that the user has set up on Salestrail. On Android devices Salestrail can be set up to track all the mobile calls on a specific device or just calls made by a specific SIM card on a device that has dual SIM. The Salestrail app can also be set up to track both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business calls or just either one of these.

The first column in the view shows the “User” who has made the call. The second column shows the “phone number” that the User spoke with. In the third column you will see the “Name of the person” that the user spoke with. If the number is saved on the phone book the Call analytics dashboard will show this name. If the number can be found in your CRM and you have one of our Ready-made CRM integrations on then we will show the name as it appears in the CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, Leadsquared).

The “Type” column will indicate if the call was a SIM or a WhatsApp call. On iOS the call type will be Application call as all calls on iOS need to be initiated from within the Salestrail app.


The recording tab in the dashboard shows all the calls that have been recorded on the users device. Salestrail is able to capture recordings on Android devices and can record SIM, WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business calls.

You can search for a specific call by inserting the number in the search bar and listen to recordings by clicking on the call which recording you want to access.

If you cannot find a recording in the dashboard, this is most likely due to the fact that the user has not set up call recording correctly on their device. For help with this matter visit: Click Here

User Management

In user management you can add new users (owner and managers) as well as delete users. You can also see the status of your users.

If you have already used your trial, you will need a paid license for all of your users, to be able to see data. If you have 10 users under user management, you need to purchase 10 licenses in order to see everyone’s data. Everyone who accesses the dashboard, needs a license, not only the people whose calls are being tracked.

Someone who is invited to your organization, but has not yet accepted the invite, is also counted as someone needing a license.

The table on user management indicates who has set up the Salestrail app correctly on their phone. The first column “app installed” tells you who has installed the app. The second column “permissions” indicates whether the user has given the Salestrail app all the permissions it needs to function properly on the device. To check which permissions are needed by the Salestrail app, please visit -

The third column “integration” indicates whether the user has the integration on, while column number four indicates whether Salestrail has picked up any recordings.

Note that column number four does not indicate whether the user has allowed recording on the device, it indicates whether Salestrail has managed to record a call. If this is red, then one or more settings are incorrect on the user’s device. To check the settings for call recording, please visit: Here.

If you see a red “ⓘ” on the user management, then there is an issue with one of your users. Hover over the little i-icon and Salestrail will tell you what the issue is.

Roles in an Organization

Salestrail's dashboard has a hierarchical structure that allows you to make sure people only see the data that they need to see. Learn which are the different roles and their accessibilities here!

Owner - the highest position

Owners can add/remove people to/from the Organization and create teams. They also have access to everyone's call data by default. If you give someone Owner permission, they will automatically have access to everyone’s call data.


Managers can add/remove people to/from the Organization and create teams. They cannot see users' data unless they are added as a team's admin. By default, they are only able to see their own call data.


Users can only see their data on the dashboard. They cannot add/remove people to/from the Organisation or create teams.

Everyone, regardless of their role, can purchase a license to Salestrail. However, after the purchase is made, it is only the one who made the purchase who is able to see the Subscription page and purchase more licenses.

In addition to these roles you can make someone a “Team Admin”. Team Admins are able to follow the call data of users that are members of the team they are a team admin on.

Managers and users can be appointed as Team Admins. Owners can already see everyone's data, so there is no need to add them as team admins.

Team management

The idea of the team management section of the Salestrail call analytics dashboard is to give user’s access to other people’s call data without giving them access to everyone’s data. If you have a sales manager who needs to follow only the data of his/her team member’s then you should create a team consisting of the people whose data the sales manager needs to follow and add the sales manager as a team admin to that team.

In order to create a team, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Team Management and click on Add team

Step 2: Complete these fields > Create team

Step 3: Now your team will show up in Team Management

Step 4: To add more members or edit or delete the team, click on the team's name.

Team admin

A team admin is someone who is able to see the individual team member’s call data as well as the aggregated data for the team on which they are a team admin. Anyone, regardless of their role, can be a team admin. A user, can however not create a team themselves, they would need to be added as a team admin by an owner.

Someone with the role “manager” can create new teams and also add themselves as a team admin on teams.


If your organization does not have a subscription, then anyone, regardless of their role, can purchase the subscription. Once a subscription has been purchased, it is only the purchaser who can make changes to the subscription.

If you need to make changes to the subscription, but do not have access to it, please reach out to

Manage licenses and cancellations

Only the person who has purchased the subscription has access to the Subscription section of the Salestrail dashboard. In this section, they can manage subscription details, including purchasing additional licenses and reviewing subscription history. To access this, the owner needs to navigate to the Subscription tab on the dashboard.

To reduce licenses or cancel a subscription, please contact us via the chat button on your dashboard or send an email to Deleting a user from the call analytics dashboard will not reduce the amount of licenses that you are paying for. The only way to reduce licenses from your subscription is to reach out to us.


We recommend integrating the call data with your CRM as that gives you the ability to match the calls made/received with the data in your CRM. The CRM integration is an additional feature that you need to choose to add to your license, if you have not initially purchased it.

The CRM integration allows you to see all the calls logged under the right lead, contact and account in your CRM. The ready-made integrations match the calls made on user’s phones to the phone numbers that you have stored in your CRM.

Salestrail has ready-made integrations for Salesforce, Hubspot and Leadsquared and API for people using another CRM, such as your custom inhouse CRM. You can also integrate Salestrail with a transcription tool or any other tool using our Push API or Pull API.

If you enable one of our ready-made integrations, an additional selection menu will appear on top of the Overview page, where you can choose to view either all calls or just calls that have been logged to your CRM. Note, that this feature is not available for organizations using the API.

The integration log will be available for anyone using either the ready-made integrations or any one using the push or the pull API. The status column in the integration log, will show you if a call has been integrated to your CRM or not. Calls with a green dot are integrated, while calls with a red dot are not integrated. Hover over the red dot to see the reason behind why the integration has failed. If you see a Replay button next to the call, you can click on it to push the data to your CRM.

To read more about our integrations, please visit: Integrating to your CRM

Settings in the Dashboard

In the settings tab, you are able to see your Account Details, such as the name of the organization you are in, your role and your organization identifier.

In addition, Owners have the possibility to manage Call and Recording settings.

Allow users to add calls in the app manually: This allows the users to add a call by entering all the calls details.. This is important for organizations that are using iOS where incoming calls cannot be tracked automatically

All users to untrack tracked calls: This is important for organizations where users have one device, with one SIM card that they are using for both private and work calls. The users can choose to untrack specific numbers and Salestrail will not track and record these calls.

Allow users to record calls: If you do not want to allow users to record calls, do not select this setting.


The Salestrail Mobile App

The Salestrail mobile app will help you track your calls to the Salestrail Call analytics dashboard. The app works differently on iOS versus Android so make sure you check the right settings for the phone you are using.

On Android, Salestrail can track calls made from the native dialer, so you do not need to call from the Salestrail app. Salestrail can track both incoming and outgoing SIM, WhatsApp and WhatsApp business calls. You can also record calls with Salestrail and if you are interested in this feature, please click here.

On iOS, Salestrail can only track calls made from within the app. This means that you need to open up the Salestrail app and dial from there, for a call to appear in the Salestrail app and on the call analytics dashboard. Due to Apple’s security restrictions the following features are not available on iOS devices: tracking on incoming calls, tracking of Whatsapp calls and call recording. For these features you need an Android device.

Understanding the Salestrail app

The main feature of the Salestrail app is to track calls made on your mobile phone. Calls will be marked as Outbound or Inbound and Answered or Unanswered. Salestrail will also track when the call started and ended as well as track the duration of the call as well as the number which was called. In addition to this calls can also be recorded.

Tracked calls

The Salestrail mobile app has three tabs and a dialer. The main tab is called “Tracked”. This is where all the tracked calls will appear. You can choose to click on a call to call again, to untrack a call, to listen to a call recording and to add notes (if you have one of the ready-made CRM integrations on).

Untracking a call, means that the call will not show up on the call analytics dashboard. The call will be moved to the Untracked tab in the app and you are the only one who can see the details of that call. If you Untrack a call, you will see the option to Untrack future calls as well.

Salestrail will show the name of the caller if you have the person saved in your phone book or if you are integrated with your CRM (Hubspot, Salesforce or Leadsquared). If Salestrail cannot detect the name, then Salestrail will show the number.

Untracked Calls

The untracked tab in the app will show you all the calls to contacts that you have decided not to track calls with as well as calls made outside of your office hours. These are calls that show up on the Salestrail mobile app, but not in the Salestrail call analytics dashboard or in your CRM (if you have an integration on). The Untracked tab can be restricted by the Organization owner and it is possible not to allow untracking of calls.

The Settings tab is the third tab in the Salestrail app and here you can manage for example which calls you want to track, whether you want to record calls and how. For more information on the Salestrail settings please navigate to

The dialer

You can access the dialer from the bottom right corner in the Salestrail app. Once you click on it, you will see either two tabs or three tabs, depending on whether you have integrated with your CRM or not. The contact tab accesses your phone book contacts while the CRM tab lets you search for leads/ contacts and accounts in your SalesForce, HubSpot or LeadSquared.

How to install the Salestrail app

On iOS, install the app from the App Store by searching for: “Salestrail: Track your calls”

On Android, Install the app from the Google Play Store by searching for: “Salestrail- Call log analysis”. Recommended for Android 8 and above.

Setting up Call Tracking on iOS

Step 1: Install the app on the App store (Salestrail: Track your calls)

Step 2: Log in using the same email address that you have used when signing up on the call analytics dashboard.

Step 3: Grant the app all the permissions that are asked for. If you don’t give the app the permissions needed, then the app will not be able to track your calls.

Step 4: Make sure that the app has access to “Background App” refresh as well as “Mobile data” You can find these permissions by opening up the Settings app on your device and searching for the Salestrail app.

Setting up Call Tracking on Android

Step 1: Install the app on the Google Play store (Salestrail - Call log & analysis)

Step 2: Log in using the same email address that you have used when signing up on

the call analytics dashboard.

Step 3: Grant the app all the permissions that are asked for during the onboarding. If you don’t give the app the permissions needed, then the app will not be able to track your calls.

Step 4: Make sure that the app is not restricted by your device battery optimization. To do this, click on a notification in the app that says “Turn off battery optimization for Salestrail”. Also ​take away "Remove permissions if app is unused". NOTE: this needs to be OFF.

You can also do this by going to App info (Phone Settings-> Apps-> Salestrail). Tap on Battery and change the battery settings from Optimised to Unrestricted.

Step 5: Go to your Salestrail settings (in the app) and check your settings, such as what SIM card is being tracked.

Permissions and settings for Android

For the app to function properly you will need to go through a set up that includes three types of permissions:

a) Permission to track calls - these are asked during the initial onboarding

b) Battery settings - Permissions that prevent Android from closing the app

c) Salestrail settings - Settings in the app, determining what is tracked (SIM / WhatsApp etc)

Permissions to track the calls

As soon as you install the Salestrail app and log in with your email username, you will be requested to issue some permissions. Allow all permissions requested as the performance of the app depends on said permissions.

The following permissions are needed in order for the application to track and log calls.

Phone: Enables the Salestrail app to recognize incoming and outgoing calls, which is essential for logging and analyzing call activity and ensures the app can integrate with phone functions like caller ID, which can display relevant information when a call is received.

Call logs: Allows the Salestrail app to record details about recent calls, including the date, time, duration, and type of call (incoming, outgoing, or missed).

Contacts: Helps the app match phone numbers with names from the contact list to display relevant information during calls.

Battery Settings

Salestrail needs to be able to run in the background of your phone to be able to function properly and track and possibly record all your calls. Whenever you install an app, your device assumes that you want the app to be battery optimized, which means that the device closes down the app, when it is not actively used. Salestrail is an app that does not normally do anything on your phone, but it is programmed to activate itself whenever you make or receive a call. If the app is battery optimized the app cannot activate itself and track a call.

Hence you need to adjust the battery settings from Optimized to Not Optimized and Allow Background Activity. The wording may vary by device, but the goal is to remove any battery restrictions so that Salestrail can operate in the background without interruption.

There will be a notification on your Salestrail app notifying you if you have battery saving or battery optimization on. You can click on this notification to go and change your battery settings to Unrestricted.

1. Disable Battery Optimization

Android’s battery optimization feature can restrict background activity for apps, potentially causing them to stop working. To disable battery optimization for the Salestrail app:

  1. Open Settings: Go to your device’s Settings.

  2. Battery: Tap on the Battery section.

  3. Battery Optimization:

    • Depending on the device, you may need to tap on "Battery usage" and then "Battery optimization" or "Optimize battery usage."

  4. All Apps: Tap the dropdown menu and select "All apps" to see a list of all installed applications.

  5. Select Salestrail: Find and select the Salestrail app from the list.

  6. Don't Optimize: Choose "Don't optimize" or a similar option to exclude Salestrail from battery optimization.

2. Enable Auto-Start (if available)

Some Android versions and custom interfaces (like MIUI, EMUI) offer an auto-start feature:

  1. Open Settings: Go to the device’s Settings.

  2. Apps: Tap on "Apps" or "Permissions."

  3. Auto-Start: Select "Auto-start" or "Startup manager."

  4. Enable for Salestrail: Find Salestrail in the list and enable auto-start.

Salestrail Settings

Below is an explanation of the main settings of the Salestrail app for Android devices.

Work Days & Office Hours

This setting allows you to determine when the app should be active and track your calls. If you use the same device for both private calls and work calls you might want to set up office hours to make sure that calls outside of your working time are not tracked. To do this, please go to your Salestrail app and click on the settings tab. You can here choose which days of the week you want the app to be active and also choose between which time of the day the app is active and tracks calls. The office hours settings ensure that the Salestrail app only works during the set window.

Call Tracking - settings

In the Call tracking settings you can choose what type of calls you want to track. You can choose to track only the calls on one SIM card or the calls on several SIM cards. To change which SIm cards are being tracked, please click on “Track SIM Cards” and choose which SIM account to track by looking at the last call on the SIM account.

On Android devices Salestrail can also track WhatsApp and WhatsApp business calls. To set up call tracking for WhatsApp, please follow these steps:

To track WhatsApp calls please enable the setting that allows you to “Track WhatsApp Calls”.

Once you enable Track WhatsApp calls, you will enable access for WhatsApp tracking within device settings. Click on the button “Enable Access”

Then click on Salestrail in the list of apps

On the Salestrail app, there will be a new setting - Select WhatsApp Sources.

Click on Select WhatsApp Source and select which WhatsApp you want to log.

You can choose to track both Whatsapp and Whatsapp Business calls or just choose to track one or the other. You can also select both if you want to log from both.

After completing this setup, you’ll be able to log WhatsApp calls from the specific source you've selected.

Note: Call recording is an additional feature and incurs an additional cost.

To set up call recording, navigate to Call Recording and select Recording Settings.

See section on call recording for WhatsApp call recording steps.

Call Recording Settings

Setting up Call recording on your device is the trickiest part of Salestrail, as the correct setup differs based on your location, which brand and what OS you are using. If you want to record calls, please tap the box for “Enable call recordings” and then follow the instructions below:

If you are based in India, Indonesia or Russia, please navigate to: Setting up call recording on a device that has a built-in call recorder

If you are from the US, Europe, South America, Africa, Australia or an Asian country where devices usually don't come with a built-in call recorder, please navigate to: Record calls using the Salestrail Call recorder APK

CRM settings

This setting only shows up if you have integrated with a CRM where we support identifying who is calling. If you tap “Enable Caller ID” we will tell you who of your CRM contacts is calling you.

You also need to do the following:

Step 1: Open Settings from your Phone

​Step 2: Scroll and navigate to Apps

​Step 3: Choose Salestrail > navigate to Appear on top

Step 4: Switch it on to allow Salestrail permission.

And voila! You're all set!

3.5. Setting up Call Recording on Android

Salestrail can record both SIM and Whatsapp calls on Android devices. To be able to record calls on your device, you need to do the correct set-up for your specific device. Setting up the right call recording settings is by far the most difficult part of Salestrail, so bear with us.

For recording SIM calls we have two options:

1. You can record calls using the phone's built in call recorder OR

2. You can use the Salestrail call recording APK.

Which out of these two options is better suited for you depends on your location as well as which Android device and OS you are using.

If you are based in India, Indonesia or Russia, your device might come with a built-in call recorder, in which case you might be able to use that one as the recording source for Salestrail. To set it up, please navigate to Setting up call recording on a device that has a built-in call recorder​

If you are from the US, Europe, South America, Africa, Australia or an Asian country where devices usually don't come with a built-in call recorder, please navigate to Record calls using the Salestrail Call recording apk

Setting up call recording on a device that has a built-in call recorder

If your device has a built-in call recorder, which is usually the case on devices in India, Indonesia and Russia, you might be able to use the device's “built in recorder” as a recording source and Salestrail will just pick up the recording and store it on the Salestrail app and in the dashboard.

How do I know if I can use my phone’s built-in recorder?

To be able to determine whether you can use your built-in recorder as a recording source, you first need to determine whether your phone uses its native dialer or a Google dialer. If your phone has a native dialer, you will be able to use the inbuilt recorder as the source for Salestrail, but if your device has a Google dialer, you will not. This is due to the fact that the call recording storage isn't accessible on phones with Google dialers.

You can check whether you have a Google dialer, by going into your Salestrail settings and clicking on the “Recording settings”. If you see a note saying, “Your phone might have a Google dialer.” then please choose to use the Salestrail Recorder APK.

Users with an Android device that has a native dialer can either use the phone’s built in call recorder OR they can choose to use Salestrail’s call recording APK.

Phones with a built-in recorder, using a native dialer

If your phone has its own native dialer (not a Google dialer) please follow the steps below to set up call recording for SIM calls on your device:

To record your calls using the built-in call recorder, you will first need to enable it.

  1. Open your phone dialer

  2. Tap on the three lines or dots in the top right corner (on Samsung/Oppo/Realme) or in the bottom left corner (on Xiaomi).

  3. Select "Settings."

  4. Choose "Call Recording."

  5. Enable "Record Calls Automatically."

Then you need to open up the Salestrail app on your phone:

  1. Tap on Recording Settings.

2. Enable call recordings

3. Select 'use built in call recorder'

4. You then will need to select the directory. If you are using a Samsung, please choose "Use default" as that is most likely the right one. If you are using any other brand, please choose "Select Directory".

5. Click on the button that says "Use this folder".

6. Allow Salestrail to access the files.


7. You are ready, when you see the folder path under Recording directory

8. Now you can go ahead and make a test call.

Phones with a built in recorder, using a Google dialer

If your phone has a built-in recorder, but the device has a Google dialer, you will not be able to use the built-in recorder to record calls. This is due to the fact that the call recording storage is not accessible. Devices using a Google dialer, always need to use the Salestrail Recorder APK as the recording source. To set up call recording via the APK, please look at the section below

Record calls using the Salestrail Call recorder APK

If you don’t have a built-in call recorder on your device OR your phone comes with a Google dialer, you need to use the Salestrail recorder APK to record calls. The Salestrail recorder is a separate app that you need to install in addition to the Salestrail app that you installed on Google play. The Salestrail Recorder APK also supports recording WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business calls. Please follow these instructions to set up the Salestrail recorder apk:

  1. Go to your Salestrail Settings and click on Recording Settings.

  2. Check “Enable Call recordings”

  3. Under Sim Call recording check the option “Use Salestrail Recorder”. If you intend on recording WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business calls, check the last section that is WhatsApp call recording.

  4. You will see a Note that contains a link to the Salestrail Recorder APK. Click on that link to download the Salestrail Recorder APK file. If you cannot see the Note you can also download the Salestrail Recorder APK via this link:

  5. Give the app all the permissions it requests

  6. Once you have installed the Salestrail recorder apk, you will then need to link it to the main Salestrail app by opening the main app. Once you open the app, they will be linked.

NOTE- For some newer devices, prior to installing the Salestrail Recorder, you may need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources. Here's how:

  1. Go to your device's Settings.

  2. Navigate to "Security and Privacy."

  3. Look for an option labeled "Install Unknown Apps."

  4. Enable the source you intend to use for downloading the Salestrail Recorder. For instance, if you're using Chrome or WhatsApp for downloading, make sure to enable the respective source.

You will now have two apps on your device: the Salestrail app and the Salestrail Recorder APK. Once you have set up the call recorder app you don’t actively need to use it. All the call logs and the recordings will happen on the Salestrail app (the main app). The APKs sole purpose is to enable recording to take place.

7. Click on Accessibility settings

8. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

9. Tap on the Salestrail recorder

10. If you manage to turn it on, please do so. However, phones running OS Android 13 and 14 will be required to do the following to turn on a Restricted setting.

11. Tap on ok on the Restricted Setting notification

12. Go to phone settings

13. Search for Apps

14. Select the Salestrail recorder

15. For some devices (like Samsung) tap on the three dots icon in the upper right corner, for Redmi devices scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Restricted Settings.

16. Select Allow restricted settings

17. Now go back to the Salestrail Recorder APK and click on Accessibility settings

18. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

19. Tap on the Salestrail recorder and switch it on (give the app permission to the accessibility setting)

20. In the Salestrail recorder APK, choose the best recording source. We recommend you start with Voice recognition as it works the best for most devices and also allow notification access for WhatsApp call recording.

Now the last step is to allow the Salestrail Recorder APK to run in the background without being optimized by your device’s battery settings.

21. Turn off battery optimization for Salestrail Recorder. You can do this by going to App info (Phone Settings-> Apps-> Salestrail) Tap on Battery and change the battery settings from Optimised to Unrestricted. Also take away "Remove permissions if app is unused". NOTE: this needs to be off

Click on the call for more options.

TIP: To ensure that calls are recorded without fail, both Salestrail app and Salestrail recorder app should be running in the background. Remove all battery restrictions and optimizations on your device to keep both apps from being put to sleep. Battery settings on the Recorder APK

As the Call recorder APK is a separate app you need to also allow the APK to run in the background of your phone (like the Salestrail app) to be able to record all your calls. Whenever you install an app, your device assumes that you want the app to be battery optimized, which means that the device closes down the app, when it is not actively used. The Salestrail Recorder APK is an app that does not normally do anything on your phone, but it is programmed to activate itself whenever you make or receive a call. If the app is battery optimized the app cannot activate itself and track a call.

Hence you need to adjust the battery settings from Optimized to Not Optimized and Allow Background Activity. The wording may vary by device, but the goal is to remove any battery restrictions so that Salestrail can operate in the background without interruption.

To turn off battery optimization for the Salestrail recorder APK

1. Go to App info (Phone Settings-> Apps-> Salestrail Recorder)

2. Tap on Battery and change the battery settings from Optimised to Unrestricted.

3. Take away "Remove permissions if app is unused"

Recording Whatsapp and Whatsapp business calls

To record Whatsapp and Whatsapp Business calls you always need to use the call recorder APK. This is also the case for Android devices that come with a built in call recorder.Click Here

Setting up Call recording for WhatsApp after you have set up SIM recording via the Salestrail Recorder APK

If you have already set up the Salestrail Recorder APK for recording SIM calls, then it's fairly easy to set up the recorder to record WhatsApp calls.

Step 1: First step of setting up the WhatsApp recording is going into your Salestrail settings and checking that you are tracking WhatsApp calls, as the calls cannot be recorded without being tracked.

Step 2: The second step is enabling Call recording for WhatsApp. Go to your Salestrail Settings -> Recording Settings-> WhatsApp Call Recording-> Use Salestrail Recorder

If you are using the Salestrail Recorder APK to record both SIM calls and WhatsApp calls, then your call recording settings should appear as follows:

Step 3: Open up the Call recorder APK and click on “allow notification access for WhatsApp call recording. Refer to picture in Step 5 below:

Step 4: After clicking on the button "Allow notification access" please choose Salestrail Recorder in the list

Step 5: Put on the "Allow notification Access

Now everything should function and your WhatsApp calls should be recorded. Everything should look like on the picture below:

Setting up Call recording for WhatsApp without recording SIM calls

If you only intend to record WhatsApp or WhatsApp business calls, and not SIM calls at all, then below you can find a step by step setup for your device.

The first step of setting up the WhatsApp recording is going into your Salestrail settings and checking that you are tracking WhatsApp calls. If you need help with this, please check out

After this follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your Salestrail Settings and click on Recording Settings.

  2. Check “Enable Call recordings”

  3. Choose Use Salestrail Recorder under “WhatsApp call recording”

  4. You will now need to install the Salestrail Recorder APK. You should see a Note that contains a link to the Salestrail Recorder APK. Click on that link to download the Salestrail Recorder APK file. If you cannot see the Note you can also download the Salestrail Recorder APK via this link:

  5. Give the app all the permissions it requests

  6. Once you have installed the Salestrail recorder apk, you will then need to link it to the main Salestrail app by opening the main app. Once you open the app, they will be linked.

NOTE! For some newer devices, prior to installing the Salestrail Recorder, you may need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources. Here's how:

  1. Go to your device's Settings.

  2. Navigate to "Security and Privacy."

  3. Look for an option labeled "Install Unknown Apps."

  4. Enable the source you intend to use for downloading the Salestrail Recorder. For instance, if you're using Chrome or WhatsApp for downloading, make sure to enable the respective source.

You will now have two apps on your device: the Salestrail app and the Salestrail Recorder APK. Once you have set up the call recorder app you don’t actively need to use it. All the call logs and the recordings will happen on the Salestrail app (the main app). The APKs sole purpose is to enable recording to take place.

7. Click on the violet button that says “Accessibility settings”

8. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

9. Tap on the Salestrail recorder

10. If you manage to turn it on, please do so. However, phones running OS Android 13 and 14 will be required to do the following to turn on a Restricted setting.

11. Tap on ok on the Restricted Setting notification

12. Go to phone settings

13. Search for Apps

14. Select the Salestrail recorder

15. For some devices (like Samsung) tap on the three dots icon in the upper right corner, for Redmi devices scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Restricted Settings.

16. Select Allow restricted settings

17. Now go back to the Salestrail Recorder APK and click on Accessibility settings

18. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

19. Tap on the Salestrail recorder and switch it on (give the app permission to the accessibility setting)

20. In the Salestrail recorder APK, choose the best recording source. We recommend you start with Voice recognition as it works the best for most devices.

21. Now click on allow notification access for WhatsApp call recording. See picture below:

21. Now the last step is to allow the Salestrail Recorder APK to run in the background without being optimized by your device’s battery settings. Turn off battery optimization for Salestrail Recorder. You can do this by going to App info (Phone Settings-> Apps-> Salestrail) Tap on Battery and change the battery settings from Optimised to Unrestricted. Also take away "Remove permissions if app is unused". NOTE: this needs to be off

TIP: To ensure that calls are recorded without fail, both Salestrail app and Salestrail recorder app should be running in the background. Remove all battery restrictions and optimizations on your device to keep both apps from being put to sleep.

Setting up Call recording for WhatsApp

After you have set up SIM recording via your device’ built in recorderIf you plan to record both WhatsApp and or WhatsApp business calls and SIM calls, you will need to enable call recording for both. The first step of setting up the WhatsApp recording is going into your Salestrail settings and checking that you are tracking WhatsApp callsThe second step is enabling Call recording for WhatsApp. Go to your Salestrail Settings -> Recording Settings-> WhatsApp Call Recording-> Use Salestrail Recorder If your device has a built-in recorder, your setup in the Salestrail app's call recording settings should appear as follows:

The third step is to download the Salestrail Recorder APK and set it up properly. Check the following steps:

1. You will see a Note in your recording settings that contains a link to the Salestrail Recorder APK. Click on that link to download the Salestrail Recorder APK file. If you cannot see the Note you can also download the Salestrail Recorder APK via this link:

2. Give the app all the permissions it requests

3. Once you have installed the Salestrail recorder apk, you will then need to link it to the main Salestrail app by opening the main app. Once you open the app, they will be linked.

NOTE! For some newer devices, prior to installing the Salestrail Recorder, you may need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources. Here's how:

  1. Go to your device's Settings.

  2. Navigate to "Security and Privacy."

  3. Look for an option labeled "Install Unknown Apps."

  4. Enable the source you intend to use for downloading the Salestrail Recorder. For instance, if you're using Chrome or WhatsApp for downloading, make sure to enable the respective source.

4. You will now have two apps on your device: the Salestrail app and the Salestrail Recorder APK. Once you have set up the call recorder app you don’t actively need to use it. All the call logs and the recordings will happen on the Salestrail app (the main app). The APKs sole purpose is to enable recording to take place.

5. Click on Accessibility settings

6. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

7. Tap on the Salestrail recorder

8. If you manage to turn it on, please do so. However, phones running OS Android 13 and 14 will be required to do the following to turn on a Restricted setting.

9. Tap on ok on the Restricted Setting notification

10. Go to phone settings

11. Search for Apps

12. Select the Salestrail recorder

13. For some devices (like Samsung) tap on the three dots icon in the upper right corner, for Redmi devices scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Restricted Settings.

14. Select Allow restricted settings

15. Now go back to the Salestrail Recorder APK and click on Accessibility settings

16. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

17. Tap on the Salestrail recorder and switch it on (give the app permission to the accessibility setting)

18. In the Salestrail recorder APK, choose the best recording source. We recommend you start with Voice recognition as it works the best for most devices

19. Now allow notification access for WhatsApp call recording.

20. After clicking on the button "Allow notification access" please choose Salestrail Recorder in the list

21. Put ON the "Allow notification Access

22. Now the last step is to allow the Salestrail Recorder APK to run in the background without being optimized by your device’s battery settings. Turn off battery optimization for Salestrail Recorder. You can do this by going to App info (Phone Settings-> Apps-> Salestrail) Tap on Battery and change the battery settings from Optimised to Unrestricted. Also take away "Remove permissions if app is unused". NOTE: this needs to be off.

Click on the call for more options.

TIP: To ensure that calls are recorded without fail, both Salestrail app and Salestrail recorder app should be running in the background. Remove all battery restrictions and optimizations on your device to keep both apps from being put to sleep.

Salestrail recorder APK will therefore look like below:

If your device is equipped with a google dialer or is not equipped with a built in recorder, your setup on the Salestrail call recordings should be as follows indicating that you have selected to record calls via the Salestrail APK recorder.

Troubleshooting Call Recording (link to troubleshooting)

If you notice that call recording isn’t working, please review your call recording setup to ensure no steps were missed.

Check Device Compatibility

  • Does your device have a built-in call recorder?

    • If yes, check if it is a native dialer not Google dialer. If it is a google dialer, use the Salestrail Recorder APK.

    • If not, you’ll need to use the Salestrail Recorder APK.

Have you enabled Call Recording on the Salestrail app?

  • Open Salestrail App > Settings > Recording Settings.

  • Check Enable Call Recordings.

Have you selected the right Recording Source

  • Devices with Built-in Recorder:

    • Choose Use Built-in Call Recorder.

    • Samsung users: Select Use Default under recording directory.

    • Other devices: Select Choose Directory and allow access.

  • Devices without Built-in Recorder / Google Dialer Devices:

    • Select Use Salestrail Recorder APK.

    • Download the APK from if not installed.

Have you enabled all Permissions requested for Salestrail Recorder APK

  • Enable permissions such as Contacts, Call Logs, and Notifications.

  • For WhatsApp call recording, enable Notification Access in Accessibility Settings.

Have you turned off Battery Optimization /turned off battery saving?

  • Go to Settings > Apps > Salestrail Recorder APK > Battery.

  • Set to Unrestricted.

  • Turn off Remove Permissions if App is Unused.

Are Both Apps Run in the Background?

  • Salestrail App and Salestrail Recorder APK should both be active in the background.

  • Disable any battery restrictions for these apps to avoid interruption.

Are Accessibility Settings enabled?

  • Go to Settings > Accessibility > Installed Apps > Salestrail Recorder APK.

  • Make sure Accessibility is enabled.

  • Allow Restricted Settings if prompted (common for Android 13 and 14).

Test Your Setup

  • Make a test call to check if the recording works.

Integrating to your CRM

Integration for Salesforce

If your company uses Salesforce, you, as the Owner of your Salestrail organization, can enable the Salesforce integration option so that all of your sales team's calls will be logged directly to Salesforce. Salestrail has a default set-up that matches with the contact fields of lead, contacts and accounts, but the solution can also be customized in various ways to fit the needs of different organizations. To customize the Salesforce integration, please reach out to

To set up the Salesforce integration, go into the Salestrail call analytics dashboard.

Then follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Integration and then click on Apps.

Step 2: Choose Connect. Now, your organization is connected to Salesforce!

Step 3: If you want to log your own calls to Salesforce you will also need to click on the Login button. This will connect your Salestrail user credentials to Salesforce and all of the calls that are tracked with Salestrail and where we find a number match in Salesforce, will be logged in Salesforce

Step 4: You and all of your team members will receive an email notifying them about the integration being on, and the need for everyone to go into the Salestrail Call Analytics dashboard to connect Salestrail with their Salesforce.

Step 5: Now, all your sales calls to Salesforce contacts/leads/accounts will be logged automatically to Salesforce. Your calls will be logged on Salesforce as tasks with this format: Outbound/Inbound - Answered/Unanswered.

In the picture above you see how calls are logged into Salesforce as tasks.

In the picture above you see what information Salestrail pushes to Salesforce. Calls are logged as Outbound/ Inbound and marked as Answered/ Unanswered. Salestrail also tracks duration of the call but if you cannot see it in your Salesforce it might be because you have not enabled the field in your Salesforce.

In the picture above you see the phone numbers that Salestrail matches against. Salestrail matches with all phone number fields by default, but this can be customized if needed.

Step 6. If you do not see a call in Salesforce that you think should be logged, please go into the Integration Log to check the status of the call.

Note: Please always make sure that your Salesforce profile has been given permission to enable the API in Salesforce. Otherwise, Salestrail cannot connect with your Salesforce.

Salesforce integration on the Salestrail app

When you enable the Salesforce integration, a few things also change on the Salestrail mobile app. The changes are:

1) You can find your Salesforce contacts in the app.

2) You can add notes after a call

3) You can set up notifications that tell you under which contact /lead a call was logged. By clicking on the notification you can add call notes.

4) You can see under which Salesforce contact or lead a call was logged.

5) You can enable caller ID for unknown callers that you have in your Salesforce. If someone calls you whose number you have in Salesforce, the app will tell you who it is.

In the picture above you can see the Salesforce Search on the Salestrail app, where you can find Leads, Contacts and Accounts

Which Salesforce fields are updated

These are the fields that we send when we create a Task object for the call, by default:

* Depending on the match type

- WhoId (matching a Lead)

- WhatId (matching an Account)

- or both (matching a Contact)

* ActivityDate (date when the call was made)

* Subject (= Inbound|Outbound Call - Answered|UnAnswered)

* TaskSubtype (= Call)

* CallDisposition (= Answered|Unanswered)

* CallType (= Inbound|Outbound)

* Type (= Call, if accessible for the user)

* CallDurationInSeconds

* Status (= Completed, Closed, or similar closed status name from the Task metadata)

All can be customized, and additional fields added based on the call data.

How does Salestrail handle duplicate records

Sometimes you might have the same number under two or more different Salesforce entities or a lead/ contact might be twice in your CRM.

The default setting in Salestrail is to prioritise Contacts over leads and accounts, while leads are prioritised over Accounts. So if a number belongs to both a Contact and a Lead, the call will be logged under the Contact. If a number belongs to a Lead and an Account, Salestrail will log it under the Lead. If two Contacts (or two Leads / two Accounts) have the same number then Salestrail looks at the last activity date and logs the call under the one that has the most recent activity. If there is no activity on the entity, then Salestrail will log it under the entity with the most recent "last modified" date.

All of this can be changed according to your needs.

4.2. Integration for Hubspot

If your company uses Hubspot CRM, you, as the Owner of your organization, can enable the Hubspot integration option so that all of your sales team's calls will be logged directly to Hubspot. All you need to do is follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign up on the Call Analytics dashboard and create your organization if you haven't already.

Step 2: Go to Integration > Apps.

Step 3: Choose Connect. Now, your organization is connected to Hubspot!

Step 4: You and all of your team members will receive an email notifying them about this. If you cannot find it in your Inbox, check your Spam folder as well.

Step 5: You and your team members need to go to the Call Analytics dashboard and click either the link on the notification below or go to Integrations > App > Login.

Step 6: Choose Sales Professional > Connect App.

Step 7: Now, all your sales calls to Hubspot contacts will be logged automatically to the CRM and they can be found in Integration > Integration Log.

How does Salestrail handle duplicate records in HubSpot

Sometimes you might have the same number under two or more different HuSspot entities or a Contact might be twice in your CRM.

The default setting in Salrestrail is to prioritize Contacts over Accounts. So if a number belongs to both a Contact and aan Account, the call will be logged under the Contact. If two Contacts (or two Accounts) have the same number then Salestrail looks at the last activity date and logs the call under the one that has the most recent activity. If there is no activity on the entity, then Salestrail will log it under the entity with the most recent "last modified" date.

All of this can be changed according to your needs.

Integration for Leadsquared

If your company uses LeadSquared CRM, you, as the Owner of your organization, can enable the LeadSquared integration option so that all of your sales team's calls will be logged directly to LeadSquared. All you need to do is follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign up on the Call Analytics dashboard and create your organization if you haven't already.

Step 2: Go to Integration > Apps.

Step 3: From the LeadSquared box, choose Connect.

Step 4: You and all of your team members will receive an email notifying them about this. If you cannot find it in your Inbox, check your Spam folder as well.

Step 5: You and your team members need to go to theCall Analytics dashboard and click either the link on the notification below or go to Integrations > App > Login.

You will need the API Access Key from LeadSquared to log in, see instructions here.

Step 6: Now, all your sales calls to LeadSquared contacts will be logged automatically to the CRM and they can be found in Integration > Integration Log.

Push and pull API

If you aren't usingSalesforce, Hubspot or Leadsquared, unfortunately, you cannot use our seamless integration. However, you can still push all call data to your CRM. It's fairly simple to enable and implement our Push API integration if you follow a few steps below:

Step 1: Sign up on the Call Analytics dashboard and create your organization if you haven't already.

Step 2: Create a webhook or some other listener that can take in data. This step is crucial so it's great if you have an IT team that could help out.

Step 3: Go to Integrations > Apps > Push API > Connect.

Step 4: You and the team members will receive an email notifying them about this. If you cannot find it in your Inbox, check your Spam folder as well.

Step 5: Go to the call Analytics dashboard and click either the link on the notification below or go to Integrations > Apps > Push API > Login.

Note: Username & Password are required fields but if your API does not have authentication, you can just fill in something for them.

Note 2: Only the owner is able to set and change the username and password used in the organization's Push API integration.

Fill in your webhook URL to the endpoint URL field.

Step 6: Make calls 😊

Data object that is received from our Push API:

If you want to push call recording links to your CRM as well, please do as follow:

Since we don’t provide access to the raw call recording files, the data that is sent includes the Call ID that can be added at the end of this URL:{callId}

Call Id at the end of the URL requires the dashes in the UUID string. For example:


Troubleshooting the call analytics dashboard

No data on the dashboard Overview

If on your dashboard, you do not see any calls logged for any team member, it is possible that ​​your trial or subscription has expired, or you have more users than the number of licenses purchased. In this case a notification will appear at the top of your screen. To resolve this, you can either purchase additional licenses or remove excess users as needed.

Are you as an Owner/Team admin seeing 0 data on the dashboard? Maybe you suspect that the data isn't 100% accurate? Let's check a few things to make sure everything is in place, shall we?

  1. Has your trial/subscription expired?
    Could it be that your payment didn’t go through? If this is the case, you should see a red notification at the top of your screen in the cal analytics dashboard.

  2. Do you have more users than the number of licenses you've purchased?
    When that happens, you will be notified by this text box at the top of your screen. In this case, purchase the licenses or remove users if needed.

  3. Not all of your colleagues have joined your Organization.
    To make sure everyone is in your organization, check User Management.
    If it says Invited User, they haven't accepted the invitation nor signed up.
    If it says In another Organization, they've created their own org and cannot join you. They need to remove themselves from that org and join yours by logging in again.

  4. Your colleagues haven't installed the Salestrail app to track their calls.
    You can monitor this by going to User Management, the red circle indicates that the user hasn't installed the Salestrail app.

    Everything is in place but you still don't see accurate data? Send us a detailed message to the chat or email us

Error when logging into the dashboard

If you encounter an error message when logging in to the Salestrail dashboard on Google Chrome, you can resolve it by clearing the cache (Ctrl + F5).

No call recordings in the dashboard

If call recordings are not visible on your dashboard, please check if call recording is included in your subscription by reviewing the Subscription section. If it is not part of your current plan, you can purchase the feature from there.

If call recording is included in your plan, but you still do not see any recordings in the Recording section please check that your user’s have set up their device correctly. For instructions on how to set up your device, please check:

You can also check user management to understand whether calls have been recorded. If you see a green dot under the Call recording section for a user, this means that Salestrail has recorded a call. A red dot means that no call recordings have been picked up by Salestrail.

Note that a green dot does not mean that call recording is set up properly, it merely means that a call has been recorded for this user at some point in time. A red dot means that no calls have been recorded for that user.

Some of my users calls are recorded but not everyones

This indicates that those users without call recording have not granted all the necessary permissions and settings required for the feature. For information on how to set up the device correctly please visit: Setting up Call Tracking on Android

Some calls of a user are recorded but not all

If Salestrail only records some calls but not all calls then this is most likely due to the fact that some setting on your device is turning off Salestrail or the call recorder. This is most likely due to Battery optimization on your device. Check out

I can only hear my employees voice on the recording

If you can only hear your employees voice on the recording, then this is due to a recording restriction on your employees device. Some manufacturers restrict call recording by only allowing access to the microphone audio, which means Salestrail can only pick up the voice of your employee, not the other party. This restriction is put in place for privacy reasons that Google enforced in Android 10 and later versions.

There is no way for Salestrail to circumvent this, and the only option for recording the full conversation on the device in question is to have the phone on speakerphone when calling or to use the in-built call recorder if that is a possibility on the device in question

Call recording status is red for a user in the dashboard

This indicates that the user has not enabled call recording or granted all the necessary permissions and settings required for the feature. Once call recording is enabled, and all required settings and permissions are granted, the first recorded call will trigger the call recording status to turn green.

Call recording status is green, but calls are not being recorded

This indicates that some settings have been altered, and previously granted permissions have been removed. Please ensure that all required permissions are granted, and confirm that battery optimization is disabled to allow the app to function properly.

The green dot indicates that a call has been recorded at some point for the user, it does not indicate that call recording is currently working and set up correctly.

Permission status is red for a user

This means that one or more settings and/or permissions required for Salestrail to log calls have been denied. Allow all requested permissions and change all recommended settings as described here: Permissions to track the calls

User in the wrong organization

If you receive a notification that a user is in the wrong organization, it means that instead of joining your team, they’ve accidentally created their own organization. To join the correct organization, they need to first remove themselves from their current organization. Once that's done, they can join your organization using the invitation link found at the bottom left of the Salestrail dashboard.

To remove themselves from their organization, they can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to theDashboard > User Management.

Step 2: Click on the user you want to remove > Delete this user.

6.0.11. How do I remove a user from my organization

If you are the owner of an organization, you can remove people from your organization, including yourself. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to the Dashboard > User Management.

Step 2: Click on the user you want to remove > Delete this user.

What does "Unknown" or "signed-up failed" on user management mean?

If you see the word "Unknown " instead of the user's name or "invite" in the User management column, it means that the Sign-up process for that user has failed for some reason.

To fix this, the user needs to sign-up on the dashboard again. We recommend the user to sign-up using desktop and not mobile.

Data file (csv) doesn't open correctly on Excel

When you download the call data from the Call Analytics dashboard, it is a .csv file. You can open the file by Excel if you wish, however, the columns might look unorganized. To make them more presentable, you need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open the .csv file with Excel.

Step 2: Select column A.

Step 3: Data > Texts to Columns > Finish.

How do I know what Organization I am in?

Sometimes, you might get lost and join the wrong organization and therefore, you cannot share your call data with your colleagues. To check if you've joined the right organization, compare your org name and ID with your colleagues.

You can find that information from your Profile by clicking on the icon.

5.2. Troubleshooting the Salestrail app

I can’t get the login code

If You do not get the code in your inbox, please check the spam folder.

If you do not get a code in your spam folder either, please get in touch with us via your Salestrail chat button or

I get an error when logging in

If you get an error saying “internal error” or “unable to create credentials” at log in, please do the following to clear the error:

Clear the data of your phone specifically for Salestrail.

  • Navigate to Phone Settings -> Apps -> Locate Salestrail -> Storage.

  • Select "Clear Data" AND if you have "Force Stop" also press that.

  • Do the log in again.

  • If possible, check the 6 digits code, without leaving the Salestrail app on your phone.

  • If you continue to get the error message, please try this a few times or reach out to

Sign up is required

This means that you have not created a Salestrail profile on the call analytics dashboard yet. You need to create a Salestrail account either via an invite link sent to you by a colleague or by setting up your own Salestrail Account. Once that step is done, you can then install the app and log in using the same email address used during setup.

Troubleshooting Call tracking on Android

None of my calls are getting tracked

If none of your calls are being tracked in the Salestrail Android app then that is most likely due to one of the following issues:

  • Check that you have installed the app “Salestrail - Call log&analysis” that you can find on the Google Play store. This is not the same app as the Salestrail Call Recorder APK.

  • No SIM card chosen: Go to your Salestrail settings and choose to enable all or one SIM card.

  • Office hours: Check that you have the correct office hours or no office hours. If you have no office hours the app will track all the calls you make on your device, regardless of when the calls take place.

  • Salestrail doesn't have access to the needed permissions. Salestrail needs access to specific call permissions, such as your call logs and phone. There is no way to track calls without these. To check the needed permissions please visit: Permissions to track the calls

  • Battery settings: Salestrail needs to be able to run on your phone without being restricted by your phone's battery optimization. Please check that you have set the Salestrail app to be unrestricted in your battery settings. For help, please visit: Battery settings

Not all calls are being tracked

If some of your calls are being tracked, while others are not tracked then that is most likely due to one of the following issues:

  • If you have a dual SIM phone: Check that you have chose to track the right SIM cards

  • If you have enabled office hours: Check that the calls have happened within your office hours

  • Check that you have not untracked the number or contact you have called. You can do so by checking your “Untracked calls” list in the Salestrail app. If the calls appear here, please click on the call and click on “Track” to track the calls to that number.

  • Battery settings: Salestrail needs to be able to run on your phone without being restricted by your phone's battery optimization. Please check that you have set the Salestrail app to be unrestricted in your battery settings. For help, please visit: Battery settings

My WhatsApp calls are not being tracked

If your WhatsApp calls are not being tracked, please do the following to fix the issue:

  • Check that you have enabled call tracking for WhatsApp in the Salestrail settings.

  • Ensure that you have selected the WhatsApp source you intend to log. You can choose to track the calls from either WhatsApp messenger or WhatsApp Business or the calls from both apps.

  • Ensure that you have also enabled accessibility access for the Salestrail App.

  • Check that you have allowed notifications for your WhatsApp apps. Salestrail uses WhatsApp silent notifications for tracking the calls.

A personal call was tracked - How do I prevent this?

If a personal call was being tracked you can click on the call and choose Untrack. This is a feature that can be managed in your organization’s settings on the call analytics dashboard. If the call does not move from the list Tracked to Untracked, then this is most likely due to the fact that your Organization has disabled “untracking of calls”. You can reach out to to check this.

When untracking a call you will be asked if you want to untrack future calls as well” If you click YES, then all calls to that number will be untracked in the future. If you then later want to track the calls, then you can click on “Track” and “Track future calls” calls.

Other options for making sure only business calls are being tracked can be found here: How can I untrack a call and How do I track calls from my work SIM card but not my personal one?

How can I untrack a call If you are using one device for both private and work calls you can choose to mark some calls as private and choose not to track future calls to that number. To do this click on the call in the call list and then choose “untrack”. When untracking a call you will be asked if you want to untrack future calls as well” If you click YES, then all calls to that number will be untracked in the future. If you then later want to track the calls, then you can choose to click on “Track” and “Track future calls” calls.

This is a feature that can be managed in your organization’s settings on the call analytics dashboard. If the call does not move from the list Tracked to Untracked, then this is most likely due to the fact that your Organization has disabled “untracking of calls”. You can reach out to to check this.

How do I track calls from my work SIM card but not my personal one?

If your device supports dual-SIM and you want to track calls from/to the SIM card that you use for business calls only, you can set that up in the Salestrail app. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to the Settings in the Salestrail app > Call Tracking > Track SIM Cards.

Step 2: Choose which SIM card you'd like to track calls or both.

Note: Each SIM card has a SIM account that consists of numbers and letters. Unfortunately, we cannot bring the phone number of the SIM cards to the app, however, there are the Last call details that can help you identify the SIM. To be sure, please choose each SIM respectively and make a few test calls.

Why are my calls tracked with a delay?

If you use mobile data and have lots of back-to-back calls during your working hours, sometimes, you will notice that Salestrail doesn't log your calls immediately after you hang up. No worries, no data is lost, they just come with a delay.

The reasons:

  • You haven'tset up your device correctly as suggested by us. Check: Salestrail Settings

  • Mobile devices prioritize calls, hence, your data connection "weakens" when you are on a call (especially if you're using Edge or 3G). If your device and phone provider support VoLTE, it might help in this situation. If not, there are chances that Salestrail doesn't get a sufficient internet connection to log the calls immediately.

  • Another possibility is your mobile device has the Internet Hotspot turned on, which can make the data connection spotty.

The solutions:

  • Check your settings: Salestrail Settings

  • Check your Internet connection

  • Be patient: give Salestrail some time to process the data.

  • Make outbound phone calls from Salestrail instead of over-using your device's keypad.

Which Android battery settings influence the performance of Salestrail

  • Battery optimization on Salestrail

  • "Pause app activity if unused" on Salestrail

  • Power Saver on the device level, which is suggested by the phone if battery is less that for example 20%. This pauses background syncs etc which influence our apps.

  • Auto Start /Auto launch being set to OFF on Salestrail (only available on some devices)

    On which devices does Salestrail work?

You need to have a device that is running a minimum of Android 8 to be able to track calls and Android 9 to be able to record calls.

Troubleshooting Call Recording on Android

Setting up call recording on your device is the most cumbersome part of Salestrail as the best settings depend upon which device you are using, which OS you are using as well as where you are based.

Troubleshooting call recording through the built in recorder

Some of my calls are being recorded but not all

If you have chosen to use the built in call recorder as you recordings source for recording SIM calls and Salestrail only picks up some recordings, but not all, please check the following:

1. Check that your app is not battery optimized

2. Check that the recording is in your folder for recordings. If you can see the recording in your folder, but Salestrail has not picked it up, please reach out to

3. Make sure you have WIFI or mobile data turned on otherwise call recordings will not be picked by Salestrail.

4.Check that your call recording for all calls has been turned on. On some devices, the setting is such that only unknown numbers are recorded.

5. Check that you have enough storage space on your device for records to be saved.

None of my calls are being recorded

If you have chosen to use the built in call recorder as you recordings source for recording SIM calls and Salestrail does not pick up any recordings please check the following:

  1. Check if your device is using a Google dialer instead of a native dialer. If you have a Google dialer you need to use the Salestrail Recorder APK to record calls

  2. Check that you can see the recording on your device in the folder where call recordings are stored. If you cannot, please check if the call recorder is turned on.

  3. If you know that you don’t have a Google dialer and you can see the calls in the recording storage, please check that Salestrail has access to the right storage directory in the Salestrail settings.

  4. If you have checked all above and the recordings are still not picked up, please reach out to

Troubleshooting SIM call recording with the Salestrail Recorder APK

Some of my calls are being recorded but not all

If some of your calls are being recorded but not all, this is most likely due to a battery optimization setting on your device that in some cases prevents the Salestrail app or the Salestrail recorder app from starting. The battery settings below might interfere with the recording of calls via the APK

  • Battery optimization on Salestrail

  • Battery optimization on the recorder APK

  • "Pause app activity if unused" on Salestrail

  • "Pause app activity if unused" on recorder APK

  • Auto Start /Auto launch being set to OFF on Salestrail (only available on some devices)

  • Auto Start /Auto launch being set to OFF on recorder APK (only available on some devices)

  • Power Saver on the device level, which is suggested by the phone if battery is less that for example 20%. This pauses background syncs etc which influence our apps.

None of my calls are being recorded (APK)

If you use the Salestrail Call recorder APK to record SIM calls and Salestrail does not pick up any recordings please check the following:

Step 1: Make sure you have chosen to record calls via the Salestrail call recorder APK in the Salestrail settings

Step 2: Make sure your Salestrail Call Recorder is not battery optimized. Please go to App info to check that you have the correct settings: App info (Phone Settings-> Apps-> Salestrail) Tap on Battery and change the battery settings from Optimised to Unrestricted. Also take away "Remove permissions if app is unused". NOTE: this needs to be off

Step 3: Do you see a pink button that says ”Recording / Stop recording” while you are on a call? If you don’t see this, then this is most likely due to the fact that your accessibility is not turned on for the Salestrail recorder.

To fix this, please go into the Salestrail Recorder APK and check if it says “Accessibility Service Disabled”. If it does, please turn on the Accessibility by doing the following:

1. Click on Accessibility settings

2. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

3. Tap on the Salestrail recorder

4. If you manage to turn it on, please do so. However, phones running OS Android 13 and 14 will be required to do the following to turn on a Restricted setting.

5. Tap on ok on the Restricted Setting notification

6. Go to phone settings

7. Search for Apps

8. Select the Salestrail recorder

9. For some devices (like Samsung) tap on the three dots icon in the upper right corner, for Redmi devices scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Restricted Settings.

10. Select Allow restricted settings

11. Now go back to the Salestrail Recorder APK and click on Accessibility settings

12. Click on Installed Apps / Downloaded apps

13. Tap on the Salestrail recorder and switch it on (give the app permission to the accessibility setting)

Which Android settings can influence some calls being recorded but not all?

These are the usual settings causing this behavior:

  1. Battery optimization on Salestrail

  2. Battery optimization on the recorder APK

  3. "Pause app activity if unused" on Salestrail

  4. "Pause app activity if unused" on recorder APK

  5. Auto Start /Auto launch being set to OFF on Salestrail (only available on some devices)

  6. Auto Start /Auto launch being set to OFF on recorder APK (only available on some devices)

  7. Power Saver on the device level, which is suggested by the phone if battery is less that for example 20%. This pauses background syncs etc which influence our apps.

​How do I know if my phone has a Google dialer?

Some phones use the Google Dialer instead of a native dialer and if you are using a phone with a Google dialer, you cannot use the phone's built-in recorder as the recording source in Salestrail (use the APK instead).

If you don't know if our device is using a Google Dialer you can check this by going into your Salestrail recording settings. If you see a notification on your Salestrail App settings after you enable call recording that says NOTE: Your phone might have a Google Dialer" then most likely your device has a Google dialer.

To see devices that typically have google dialers please see

Troubleshooting on iOS

None of my calls are getting tracked

All calls must be made via the Salestrail app in order to be logged. Calls made outside the Salestrail app will not be logged.

Incoming calls on iOS will not be logged automatically. They need to be entered manually.

Not all calls are being tracked

On iOS, all calls must be made from the Salestrail app in order to be tracked. Incoming calls will not be automatically logged and must be entered manually.

Troubleshooting the Integration

If you are using one of the ready-made integrations (SalesForce, HubSpot, LeadSquared), then the solution can be customized by our team to match your needs. If a call is not being logged the way you want to, please reach out to to discuss alternatives.

How do I know if a call has been logged to my CRM?

You can see if a call has been logged to your CRM from the Integration Log in the Call Analytics Dashboard.

A call is successfully logged to CRM if there is a unique match for the phone number in the CRM database. If a call isn't logged to the CRM, we will indicate the result with a red dot in the Status column and also show the reason when you hover at it. If a call is logged to CRM, the dot is green and the contact/lead name will be displayed.

If the call wasn't logged because there was no match for the phone number, we give you a Replay button in case you add the phone number to your CRM later and would like to log that call.

Caller ID not working

The first thing to check is that you have set up the Caller ID correctly on your device.

For Android . To solve i, please check these instructions:

For iOS please check these instructions:

If you still have issues with Caller ID, we would like to walk you through how our Caller ID feature works:

On Android calls you receive are matched with the phone number fields in your CRM. If we do not show who is calling then this is most likely due to the fact that you are using some other field than a phone number field or that there is an issue with the number formatting. To check this, please reach out to

On iOS we download to your device 10 000 of the most recent contacts and leads from your Salesforce when you install Salestrail. Due to storage efficiency, we don't download all of your Salesforce contacts and leads. Then, when you make / receive a call, we match the numbers with the Contact / Lead that we can find from the downloaded data.Therefore, if Salestrail doesn't display Caller ID for some contacts / leads, it's likely because those contacts / leads are very old ones. Which means, Salestrail didn't download their data to your device. Another possible reason is the data is being downloaded. After installing Salestrail, it might take up to one hour to download data for Caller ID. In this case, please patiently wait!

How can I log a call to my CRM if it was not logged before?

If you ever have a phone call with a number that isn't saved on your CRM and you want to log it later when the number has been added, please, follow these steps:

Step 1: Save that number to your CRM. Unless you do this, we cannot find a match to log the call.

Step 2: Go to the Call Analytics dashboard > Integrations > Integration Log. Choose "Failed" as the Status filter to see results quicker. The call should have a red light and when you hover to it, it tells you the reason why a call failed to log.

Step 3: Choose Replay, wait for Salestrail to process the call again. If the process is successful, the call will be logged to your CRM.

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